PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) is at the heart of the Tushingham ethos and includes Citizenship education.  Our Christian values underpin our ethos; through the PSHE and RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) curriculum we aim to develop children’s knowledge, skills, opinions, strategies and confidence, enabling them to cope with life’s challenges and to live safely and happily in the modern world.  We believe in providing every pupil with open, honest, accurate and age-appropriate lessons about all relationships.  Every member of the school community is encouraged to respect and value each other.  Close links are made between our values, worship and the PSHE and RSE curriculum.


The overarching aim for PHSE and RSE education, including citizenship,  at Tushingham is to provide pupils with:

  • Accurate and relevant knowledge;
  • Opportunities to turn that knowledge into personal understanding that pupils can then articulate to others;
  • Opportunities to explore, clarify and if necessary challenge, their own and others’ values, attitudes, beliefs, rights and responsibilities;
  • The skills and strategies they need in order to live healthy, safe, fulfilling, responsible and balanced lives.
  • An understanding of themselves, the chance to build empathy and the ability to work with others will help pupils to form and maintain good relationships, develop the essential skills for future employability and better enjoy and manage their lives.

Through our PHSE and RSE curriculum, including citizenship, Tushingham children will learn to:

  • Have respect for themselves and others, valuing the differences and similarities between people.
  • Develop good relationships with other members of the school and wider community.
  • Be independent, self-disciplined and responsible members of society.
  • Develop self-confidence and self-esteem, and make informed choices regarding personal and social issues.
  • Understand the importance of British Values.
  • Recognise reasons for rules and laws and to respect the law.
  • Democracy and the role of local and national government, including The House of Commons and The House of Lords.
  • Know and understand what constitutes a healthy lifestyle.
  • Be aware of safety issues and manage risk in their own lives.


We have a bespoke curriculum developed with the materials from PSHE Association curriculum as progression through the years is built into this curriculum.  The planning takes a thematic approach to primary PSHE education, covering all three core themes of the Programme of Study (Health and Wellbeing; Relationships; and Living in the Wider World) over the school year, with three topics per term.  This approach allows different year groups to work on similar themes at the same time.  This enables each topic to be linked to collective worship themes, generating a whole school focus for adults and children alike.  Opportunities for linking aspects of PSHE with other curriculum areas will also be identified and developed by class teachers.  Citizenship is taught within the PSHE programme and activities and experiences that breadth of opportunity for KS1 and KS2 are planned for with the understanding that whole school PSHE and citizenship education are essential components of education that help children develop their cultural capital .We will also cover aspects of PSHE through special theme days and weeks e.g. Science Week, Black History Month and LGBT+ History Month, Healthy Living Week.


Our thorough, fun and engaging approach to PSHE and RSE, including citizenship, at Tushingham fosters positive relationships throughout the school whilst simultaneously developing confidence and strengthening resilience in our learners. By using our PSHE curriculum continuously throughout the school with its three stands – Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the wider world, the children develop a shared language and understanding of who they are and how they think, enabling them to take risks and face challenges head on. Our children leave Tushingham as confident, lifelong learners equipped with the tools they need to thrive in any environment. They have a strong sense of who they are and know how to look after their physical and mental health.

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C of E Primary School

Tushingham, Cheshire, SY13 4QS

Mrs L Devaney

01948 820360

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