Class 2 2024 - 2025

Mrs Scott


Welcome to Class 2 

Year 1 and 2     Teacher: Mrs Scott     Teaching Assistant: Mrs Underwood

In our class, we build on the children's wonderful EYFS experiences, and their wellbeing is at the heart of everything that we do. We continue to develop children's love of learning, and we gently support and encourage them on their journey to becoming independent learners. We understand that children learn in different ways, and we use multi-sensory approaches in our teaching and learning sessions. To ensure a smooth transition to their new year group, we give children an opportunity to learn through their own interests during free learning sessions.

Each week, we will set homework tasks as follows:  Reading - your child will take home a reading book every Tuesday which correlates to the phonics covered that week. We encourage the children to read each night and over the week they build fluency, understanding and sight reading as they re-visit the same text.  Children also have a login to Reading Eggs. Maths: maths challenges are set on Mathletics website which reinforce learning during the week.  When the corresponding topic is not present on Mathletics, homework will be sent home with the children. Spellings: spellings are taken from phonics learned during the week and sent home.  Once the children have successfully completed phonics to phase 6, they will learn spelling patterns and take corresponding spellings home. Tasks are designed to support and consolidate the learning that has taken place each week and it is very important that they are completed.  We will issue a new reading book every week and we ask that you keep the book for the full week to develop fluency and comprehension of the text.  By the end of the week, we would hope that your child will recognise words in the book by sight and not have to 'sound them out phonectially'. We also like to actively encourage children to read for pleasure and develop a love of reading by choosing books from their own and our school book collections.

This year, Planning Preparation and Assessment time (PPA) for Class 2 will be on a Thursday afternoon. During this time, the class will be taught RE and music by Mrs Latham.


Notes for your diary:

Monday – Reading books and spellings homework to be handed in. Bring book bags in. 

Tuesday – PE Kit. Reading books changed and new spellings list sent home.  Book bags will be returned.

Wednesday – PE kit.    No book bags needed.

Thursday – Mrs Scott ppa time (pm). Forest School every 4 weeks.  No book bags needed. 

Friday – No book bags needed. 


Useful websites to support learning at home

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We Would Love To Hear From You!

C of E Primary School

Tushingham, Cheshire, SY13 4QS

Mrs L Devaney

01948 820360

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