Friends of Tushingham School

Registered charity: 1035746

Who are Friends of Tushingham School?
Friends of Tushingham School is a registered charity which raises valuable funds that enhance our children’s schooling.  The Friends organise social events and provide links between parents, teachers and children. Funds raised are donated to school to match with the school's current improvement priorities. Projects must benefit all children in school.

This year, we have donated money to support trips and visits, develop reading provision including reading for pleasure and funds are aiming to support the development of the outdoor area to promote positive mental health and outdoor learning. The School Council are co-ordinating this project - ideas (big or small) for how to develop the outdoors can be put in the comments box in the entrance area. 

All parents, guardians and teachers of children at Tushingham School are automatically members of Friends of Tushingham School.

The Association is run by a committee of parents. The parents' representatives are elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Your current committee members are:

Chairperson – Mrs Gemma Copping 

Vice Chair - role currently vacant     

Secretary – role currently vacant  

Treasurer – Mr Dave Wilkinson

All are most welcome to come to the Friends of Tushingham School meetings (details will be on the notice board). You will know lots of faces at the meetings and it is a great way to meet other parents/carers too.  All fundraising ideas are most welcome, if you are unable to attend, please share your thoughts with one of the committee members.

Easyfundraising turns everyday online shopping into free donations for your favourite cause.  How? by starting your online shopping first at easyfundraising, then shopping as normal. Retailers then make a small donation to your selected cause to say “thank you”.

There are 3,449 retailers to choose from and so far easyfundraising has raised over £23 million for thousands of community groups, schools, sports clubs, small and large charities across the UK. 

Please support us by using easyfundraising and selecting "Friends of Tushingham" as your cause.

Please see the link below.

Please support the Friends of Tushingham School fundraising initiatives if you can.

All support is much appreciated, valued and vital to benefiting the education of the children at our school.


We Would Love To Hear From You!

C of E Primary School

Tushingham, Cheshire, SY13 4QS

Mrs L Devaney

01948 820360

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