Prospective parents

It is extremely important that children have a relaxed, thoroughly enjoyable and informal introduction to school life and therefore we encourage prospective parents/carers to visit our school with their child prior to making an application.

A toddler group meets in our school hall on a Monday morning and throughout the year the children spend some time playing with the children in Foundation Stage. This means that those children transferring into school are already familiar with the surroundings. New starters in our Nursery are invited to spend time in school before starting. The majority of children who start with us in Reception have attended our Nursery and so are able to make a seamless transition into school.

The Hungry Little Minds website contains tips and practical activities that parents can do at home with children from newborn to 5 years old to support their early learning.

The DfE have online resources to promote the importance of the home learning environment to boost children’s language and socio-emotional development in the early years and contain evidence-based, detailed and accessible advice for parents on activities they can do with children at every stage between birth and 5 years old, and a search facility to connect them to local support.

Children who join us later in their school journey are always invited to visit school prior to being admitted and we will assign 'buddies' to new children to ensure that they are welcome in school and soon make friends.

All families that join our school discuss our home-school agreement (see below) with us so that we can create a true partnership to benefit your child.

Please find our school prospectus below. 


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C of E Primary School

Tushingham, Cheshire, SY13 4QS

Mrs L Devaney

01948 820360

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